
FCA Rome Area Banquet

April 18th | 6:30 PM | First Presbyterian Church of Rome


Event Information

Keynote Speakers: Our Very Own Local Coaches

Come hear what God is doing in the lives of coaches and athletes through FCA! We're excited to have our very own coaches serve as our keynote speakers.

When: April 18th at 6:30 PM
Where: First Presbyterian Church, 101 E. 3rd Ave., Rome, GA 30161

Dress: Casual

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Platinum Sponsor - $5,000

2 Tables with premium seating

Sponsored logos on website, registration, and event

Recognition at program

Social media recognition

Guided hunt

FCA gift

Gold Sponsor - $2,000

Sponsored logos at event

Preferred seating for a table of 8

Recognition at program

Social media recognition

Silver Sponsorship - $1,000

Preferred seating for a table of 8

Recognition at program

Bronze Sponsorship - $750

Seating for a table of 8

Recognition at program

Our Sponsors

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